Erno Laszlo

The legacy of Erno Laszlo may be rooted in the groundbreaking skincare discoveries of Dr. Laszlo, but behind his life changing products it’s always been about the patient. From Dr. Laszlo’s first breakthrough, finding a cure for a Princess’ acne, to his work with the most famous faces in Hollywood, to their modern beauty rituals adored by fans all over the world, Erno Laszlo has always celebrated bold personalities, empowering us all to show our true glow. Early clients included Katharine Hepburn and Greta Garbo and Dr. Laszlo specially created Phormula 3-8 for Marilyn Monroe to heal a scar on her stomach and kept her well stocked with Active Phelityl Cream, an all-purpose moisturizer, for her signature on-screen glow.